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7 Reasons Our Science Units are Perfect for Primary Grades

Our Science Units are Aligned to NGSS As each science unit was developed, we studied each Next Generation Science Standard.  In addition, we looked closely at all of the NGSS evidence statements that go with each standard.  The evidence statements give added detail about what students should know and be

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Have Beavers Been Here? A Fun Family Outdoor Adventure

How the Hunt for Evidence of Beavers Started Beavers live in a wetland habitat.  My kindergarteners were learning about habitats.  I showed them this video.  It has a catchy little tune that had them wanting to sing it again and again! As you can see the beaver appears at the

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kindergarten science materials

Science Supplies for Our Kindergarten Units

Science Supplies for Our Kindergarten Units If you are ordering science supplies to go with our science units, we made this list to make ordering easier for you, especially if your school has an Amazon account.  Yes, we are Amazon affiliates.  This means we get a small profit from each

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To let teacher know that there are science lesson plans that can help them

Valuable Science Lessons That Will Make Your Life Easier!

Why Use Science Lessons Developed by Science and STEAM Team? Two experienced science teachers wrote these science lessons.   When our school first implemented the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), I (Sarah) was teaching K -4 science.  There weren’t many materials available, and I had to develop lessons on my own. 

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